John McMahon
Mar 13, 2023

I see loads of animals in the city, even white tailed deer, because I don't live downtown. In residential areas, parks, and cemeteries with lots of trees, some of them over a hundred years old, there are mammals and birds aplenty, and not just rats and pigeons. The parts of the city damaged by the 1968 riots have flocks of wild turkeys and pheasants. The reason is that there are only red tailed hawks and a few owls as apex predators. City people don't hunt animals, and they also have to keep their pets inside or leashed.

In the country however, the bloody circle of life turns as it does everywhere in nature, and you rarely see wild animals because they have a reason to hide. I had a visitor from rural France that was astounded by the tame squirrels here. In Provence they eat them.

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