I saw Rammstein play at Nation in DC in 2002. I drove by the smashed and burned Pentagon on the way to the show. It ranks as possibly the best metal show I have ever seen and was the last time I was in the pit. They closed with "Sheena is a Punk Rocker".
This might be a good opportunity to let attractive young women and men know that if a stranger is inviting them to a party there is a reason for that. And while that reason may not be immediately clear, it's always the same one. The whole hashtag me too thing happened almost five years ago and it seems like a lot of people didn't get a clue from it, and that includes Till Lindemann. On top of all of the rockstar behavior revealed here, Till claimed to be gay for many years, which might have made it easier for him to creep on young ladies.
I'm still going to listen to my Rammstein CDs because I have already paid for them.