I live near the confluence of the Ohio River in Pittsburgh and ride the bicycle trails along all Three Rivers once a week. Besides periods of heavy rain when the rivers come up on the city wharfs, all of the rivers look exactly the same as they did 10 years ago, except there are more pleasure boaters now than ever. I went to Potter County PA a few weeks ago and it was the most beautiful autumn leaf display, and the crops were in and the farmers' produce stands were loaded with nice things. I stayed at an off-grid cabin and the water levels for their well were fine. So this drought is not everywhere, even on a tributary of the Mississippi.
I had to chuckle when I read that this problem needs a World War II mobilization, because that would accurately describe the affect that the US Army Corps of Engineers has had on the Mississippi for the last 100 years or so. They are dredging channels for barge traffic right now, but all of the flood control, land reclamation, power plants, navigation channels, and other infrastructure the government has built to tame the Mississippi certainly has an affect on it. More of the same will produce more of the same.