I live in Pittsburgh PA, and after several homeless encampments appeared Dahntahn last year, the city had the giant health care corporation University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, who incidentally runs Western Psychiatric Hospital, open an apartment style living space for 90 homeless people on 2nd Ave., with few rules and no-look lockers they could store their drugs and weapons in. The UPMC security guard handed over his keys and radio the first day it was opened, and walked off the job. In its first two months of operation, 12/22 and 1/23, they had a 117 police calls...for 90 people. It has been a shitshow ever since. The really bad thing about being locked up in jail, committed to a psych hospital, or living in a shelter, is the other people you are in there with.
How do you handle people like that? As I said, people have to be in a secure environment where they can't acquire booze or drugs, and will take their medication and attend therapy, both of which totally suck if you have to do them. They don't make people feel better immediately like a bottle of malt liquor or a hit of Meth.