John McMahon
1 min readJun 5, 2021


I know the the pictures accompanying the article are stock photos, but all of them show something wonderful about capitalism. The artist in the first picture has a nice selection of paints and brushes because she went to a Michael's craft store and picked out what she needed. She got right into the painting without having to scrounge, borrow, or beg for the needed material. She didn't have to clip hair off a dog and carve a stick to make a brush.

Imagine if the second picture was from a socialist country. It would just be a big pile of raw beets, or whatever else happened to be ripe at the time. With capitalism there are fruits grown from thousands of miles away from each other sitting on the same plate. Capitalism provides more choices than any other system, and choices are good.

There is so much capitalism going on in the final picture that it's hard to know where to start. Make up, hair products, fashionable clothing, jewelry, booze, and let's throw in that car that brought them together are all products of capitalism. If they texted on a smartphone to arrange their meet up, capitalism is in that mix too. What if these women are heading out to a restaurant or a club to celebrate being together? Oh shit, more capitalism. It's everywhere. You need a picture of someone in threadbare clothing waiting in a long line of hungry people to get a potato to show the wonders of socialism.



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