I have a name, that demolishes your entire argument; Jimi Hendrix. He had a backing band of white musicians and got his start as a superstar in the UK. He was recognized, got the money, and the credit. White musicians played his music and he played theirs. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together will declare him to be the greatest rock guitarist ever, and it has been that way since was alive over 50 years ago.
No one was on the Elvis level, althogh James Brown was close and is also not mentioned in this article for some reason. The idea that Ike Turner, Chuck Berry, and Bo Diddley did not make a whole stack of money, much of it from white people, is ridiculous. The Ike and Tina Turner Review was a sellout everywhere they went, with plenty of airplay and television exposure. That Ike had problems with guns, drugs, beating women, and not paying taxes didn't help his career very much. Buddy Guy, who is still playing and making money incidentally, while recieving every accolade an artist in the USA can recieve, was recording records with Ike in 1957 at 21 years old. Elvis drove a truck while he was recording at Sun Records too.