I don't watch TV, but the gag where the rejected women are dropped through a trap door reminded me of the scene in the James Bond movie Thunderball where at a meeting of Spectre henchmen one of the agents who displeases Blofeld is electrocuted, and then his chair drops through the floor and returns empty. It was much more effective visually than just having someone dropped into a tank of pirhannas or sharks, let alone a pile of foam blocks. A gag like that could be easily rigged up minus the electrocution of course. You could watch the victim's face as they went slowly into the hole after being rejected, and then the chair comes up empty and stays empty. It's more dignified. The people that made those early Bond films were true visual artists.
Another great thing about Bond films is that the women in them are total badasses who can hold their own and even dominate some pretty badass men. Even M was a woman, and what a woman. If these women are tangling under the sheets with James, it's generally on their terms. They aren't the type of women that need protection from a television show, just from a Walther PPK and a pitcher of vodka martinis, shaken not stirred. Yeah I know, it's a male fantasy.