“I connected with a guy who was attractive and seemed like an interesting guy. He’s a former baseball player who’s now working for a major league team.”
Hey, I’m a former baseball player! Technically it was wiffle ball, but the rules are the same so why quibble. I could put that ball on the O'Neil's rooftop. I have a friend who worked for a MLB team telemarketing ticket packages, and another who sold crackerjack in the ball park. Beer concessions are the best, but you have to sell a lot of peanuts first before you can move to that lofty height.
From my experience online dating is rife with deception from the people selling the service, from potential matches, and from third parties looking to profit or just mess with peoples’ heads. According to OKCupid who collects data on this stuff, there are four men for every woman on these sites, so walking through that minefield of lies might not seem so obvious to the gals.