“Humans have the nasty reputation of changing their habitat to suit their needs wherever they went.”
That’s not a “nasty” reputation, that is a totally bad ass reputation. I don’t want to live anywhere but a habitat that has been totally changed to suit human needs and desires, and neither do you IT guy. I enjoy camping, but I don’t want to sleep outside all the time, and I’m certainly not searching for food while I’m doing it except perhaps at a convenience store. Habitats that haven’t been changed don’t have electricity or plumbing or wifi. Humans that live in habitats that haven’t been changed don’t know what “extinct megafauna” is because they’re illiterate.
I live in an old residential area in a US city and I see lots of wild fauna daily, including deer, raccoons, groundhogs, possum, chipmunks, hawks, robins, owls, wild turkeys, bluejays, geese, ducks, snakes, crows, osprey, seagulls, vultures, and so many squirrels it’s unbelievable. If a few supermarkets were not a part of my habitat I wouldn’t be seeing any of that fauna because people would be eating them.