How about this as a theory as to why potheads to continue to buy illegal weed? After having the government cause them a serious pain in the ass for the many decades that weed has been illegal, they don’t believe they owe the state one f — king penny for it. The only test I need for the cannibis now is the same one I’ve used for almost 50 years, and that is when the person selling it to me shares a smoke. The one time that I purchased weed that made me sick, it was because the US Government had poisoned it with the herbicide paraquat while it was growing in a field in Mexico. They were full of shit before when it was illegal, and they are full of shit now when it’s legal under their conditions. Cannibis should be sold in a farmers market like fresh asparagus. You should be able to grow it on your porch like cherry tomatoes. It’s a flower for Christ’s sake. The state is not owed all of this money and regulatory power over cannibis just because people enjoy it. I hope the whole state regulatory and tax apparatus completely fails everywhere. It protects a few big money commerical growers from competition by hippy farmers and hobby growers. I quit caring what the government thought about cannibis or my use of it long, long ago. They can go to hell.