German per capita alcohol consumption is 13.4 liters per adult per year, vs. 9.8 for the USA and 11.4 for the UK. A higher percentage of the population smokes tobacco in Germany than in the USA and the UK. I love German cuisine, and eat at a Hofbrau Haus and other German restaurants on occaision, but it's all about the meat, baby.
I live in Pittsburgh, and we have 41% tree cover versus 34% for Berlin, and our tree cover is growing and theirs is declining. We also have an incredible cycling network, including a bike trail that will take you to Washinton DC. My point is that you can be healthy anywhere you live if you try, and that there really isn't any difference between societies in developed countries in how easy it is. Anyone who thinks that they have to go to another country to get healthy is delusional. People getting out of prison are usually in incredible shape...physically.