For the author’s information, there has been hard core pornography on film since motion pictures were invented. Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it isn’t made, or available if you know the right people. Before porn was made legal and easy to acquire, men had the equally illegal but easier option of going to a brothel or the red light district in any given town to hire a prostitute if they were not in a relationship, or even if they were. Times Square was an open air sex supermarket into the 1980s, and the “the track” in my city was on the main street downtown, coincidentally right up until the time when porn on VHS became available. Of course with prostitution there is a lot of coercion of the sex workers involved, you get transmission of STIs, there’s often bad drugs around it, serial killers target prostitutes, it depresses real estate values and quality of life where it takes place, it’s not taxed by the government, and there is always the real possibility that johns will get robbed or blackmailed since they have no legal recourse if that happens. Of course johns can also be subjected to a life destroying arrest. Porn eliminates all of that if men choose it over hiring a hooker.
A few years ago, before she started dating Julian Assange, Pamela Anderson (Of all people.) was on an anti-porn crusade. Her catchphrase was “Porn is for losers!” Well, at least those losers get something that doesn’t turn them into a criminal.