Everyone, and I mean literally everyone, is not as smart as they think they are. The reason for this is simple. They don’t know what it is like to be more intelligent, because how could they? People that have degrees designating them as possessing extraordinary knowledge in a given field may foolishly believe that the diploma means that they are more knowledgable in every field, and of course that simply isn’t true. What you know is more important than how much you know in any given situation.
I’ve worked as a tradesman on and off through most of my life, and the number of PhDs I’ve encountered that don’t understand how a toilet works is pretty astounding. They’ve used one every day multiple times for their entire life since they became potty trained, but they’ve never bothered to learn the basic mechanics behind a commode because they didn’t have to. Some janitor or plumber with greater knowledge about that particular subject was always around to help them if there was a problem, so they had no need to learn it themselves. So who knows enough about politics and government to make good fact based decisions when it comes to political engagement? Governing is an incredibly complex issue that stacks of books and countless news articles have been written about, and none of us have read even a fraction of them, so like that clogged up toilet we are all full of shit.