John McMahon
1 min readJun 7, 2021


Drug users have definitely won the Drug War and laws restricting psychotropic drugs therefore should be removed from the books because they are pointless. And let's not stop with the hard psychotropic drugs. Let people buy penicillin, Viagra, Xanax, or whatever they want in the supermarket. The prices would crater once you take the doctors and pharmacists out of it, and consumers love that. What people put in their body is absolutely their business.

But let's not make believe that heavy drug users aren't generally messed up, just like drunks. At any given moment, nothing is more important than getting high to the addict; not their job, not their life, and certainly not you and not me. I won't let an addict in my home for a social event because they steal, and I certainly don't want to work with one again. I'd never hire one to do anything but the safest most elementary work that could be easily observed. They're always missing. They're always down with something. They have no initiative, except to get that fix. I'm not sending them to gather important measurements or up a ladder with a hammer drill after they've had their shot, or before they've had it.



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