"Did the ones who wrote the order to dominate know of the outcome in Revelation when they wrote it?"
Genesis is in the Old Testament and Revelations is in the New Testament. Most scholars believe that Genesis was written about 500 BCE, so they were over 500 years apart. Unless you are an Evangelical Christian, they are both just stories, right?
Your comment about narcissits never being allowed to dominate is funny. Who would run for election for an office unless they thought they were better than the other candidates? Everyone willing to lead has an ego, and the electorate ignores that fact at their peril. Human nature will always be in play.
Also there are many, many rulers throughout history who started in backwater cultures and rose to great power. Check out Muhammed, Shaka Zulu, or even Napoleon. Abraham Lincoln grew up in a shack in the middle of nowhere. He became famous as a wrestler who was only defeated once in a hundred bouts.