"Despite this, (Lincoln) organized the resistance, defeated the Confederacy, freed the slaves, and we lived happily ever after. I was never taught about the era directly after the Civil War, called Reconstruction."
Former public school history teacher here. If that was the US History education you recieved, you obviously had jackass history teachers who were probably football coaches because Reconstruction is covered in every textbook I've ever seen. I taught AP US History a couple of years and a question about Reconstruction was on the free response essay section both years. Reconstruction overlaps with Westward Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, the Gilded Age, the rise of labor unions and third parties, immigration, the Temperance and Women's Rights movements, mass marketing and industrial organization, and that's only the things that happened in the USA. Once the teachers get that period of men with funny facial hair and women with long dresses straightened out, I'm sure kids will be all over it. Or they can skip everything else except for Reconstruction and just do anti-American propaganda.