Denisa, just keep in mind that when half of the country sees a picture of any given Presidential family, the thought that pops into their head is “Bastards.” since they don’t want them occupying the White House. In any case, when a totalitarian state like the People’s Republic of China, or Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union, or Cuba, or North Korea wants to break down their peoples’ individuality and willingness to go along with their program, they go after the family. The children are conditioned to report on their parents because they are raised and trained by state organizations rather than their parents and extended family. The state literally becomes their family, and the great leader is the patriarch. In any kind of collectivist scheme, family ties have to be broken down since people will naturally look to their family first and not the collective, and then things won’t work. It can’t be fair if you work at the food distribution center and let your cousin have an extra potato. Others will resent it, and someone won’t get a a potato. Ultimately those things like patriarchy, racism, and hunger for power will still exist anyway even after the family has been broken down by the state, if history is any indication, because they are part of human nature. They’re not unique to the USA.