Custodians working for the Federal Government made an average of $33,807 salary in 2018, with some making as much as 50K and as little as 29K.
The median household income in Montgomery Co. Maryland is $108,199 and in Fairfax Co. Virginia it's $122,227, Loudon Co, VA it's $134,364. and it's Howard Co. MD it's $120,941. San Francisco Co. is 14th on the list by the way, at 103K. Five of the six richest counties in the USA are around Washington DC which is also stupid expensive to live in, but the huge pool of Hispanic immigrants keeps labor costs low. There are frickin' palaces of the super wealthy all over the DC Metro area. And what is the main business there? It's the government, so don't expect them to help out with this issue. Someone has to clean their shitters too.