By the time Europeans began to record the doings of the native people in what is now my home in SW Pennsylvania, it was part of Iroqouis Nation territory. The Seneca allowed supplicant tribes like the Mingo and the Lenape to dwell in their hunting grounds. I frequently think about those Seneca warriors. They hunted, fished, canoed, made war, did politics, conducted religious ceremonies, fashioned weapons, and trained up the male youngsters. The women did all the other work. The warriors were TOTALLY BAD ASS. They would march all the way to Wisconsin in the land of their bitter enemies the Algonquin, kill some some of their braves and take their hair, steal some of their women and anything they could carry, and head back to the village in triumph. And once they got firearms, metal traps, knives, and tomahawks? Now you're really talking.
Sitting on a beach eating shellfish and acorns sounds boring as hell. If the Seneca lifeway is an option count me in, just don't piss me off.