John McMahon
1 min readSep 2, 2022


According to the Census Bureau, 66.8% of all Americans over 18 years old voted in the 2020 Presidential Election. I think we can probably all agree, that if someone skipped voting in that particular election, they really do not gave a shit about politics. That's a third of the people in the country. Obviously a lot of people don't think that the government is going to or should solve all of their problems, so they aren't wasting their time learning about it or taking a few minutes a year to vote. There's right wingers, left wingers, and not on the charters. So can't both sides get along with them? Just talk about TV shows, or sports, or restaurants, or fashion with non-political folks. Tell stories and jokes, and discuss your surroundings. Maybe you have friends in common.

I've got a great idea, just talk about that stuff with everyone, and you can't go wrong. Don't talk about religion and politics in polite company has always been the rule for some really good reasons. What kind of jackass talks about politics with people they barely know anyway? A fanatic? You need to know another person's political views why exactly? If you make the mistake of judging everyone as bad due to their ideology or lack thereof, you will make the mistake of judging everyone on your side as good, and that simply isn't true.

There's a subject that I really don't want to hear from other people about in real life besides politics, and that is their bowel movements. It's pratically the same thing.



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