50 year weed user here. I haven't had a surprise from weed for a long time, although I greatly appreciate the variety and potency of the grass of today compared to the paraquat infused garbage Mexican dirt weed full of seeds and lumber of my youth. I'd love to run across a few seeds nowadays, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, on 4/20/22 I went to a tasting room at a Paiute Indian weed superstore near Downtown Las Vegas Nevada, and it was like a dream come true. At last! It was just like a classy bar for weed, with a pre-roll, infused libation, and a dab. The server was sweet, like a heavy metal fairy, and oh so knowledgable. I was high as hell, and in Las Vegas! Here is an old man that arrived in the future and found a part of it that was much to his liking.